Welcome to my new blog, The Aspie Parent. I hope you like what I’m planning.

Yes, the blog title is ambiguous … is this blog for parents of kids with Asperger’s Syndrome, or for parents who have Aspergers themselves?

Yes. This blog is for both.

I am a parent, and I have Aspergers. One of my kids (who has the pseudonym Ocelot online) has been diagnosed with PDD-NOS, Asperger’s cousin. Somehow, I managed to get things more or less right, and I realize I have a lot of tips for other parents of kids who are either on the mild end of the autism spectrum or have similar learning differences.

As a parent with Aspergers, I also have stories of times when my AS made being a good mom difficult.

And there are a huge number of resources out there — some good, some less so. I plan on reviewing some, and inviting others to also review books, DVDs, courses, and the like.

In this blog, I hope to establish a community where we can talk about what it’s like to deal with Aspergers and children.

Now, back to learning how to manage a WordPress blog.

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6 Responses to Hello!

  1. Rosie says:


    Congratulations on writing your new blog! Can’t wait to read it!!

    Your friend and fellow mother lover of AS,


  2. Mary says:

    Looking forward to learning lots!!

  3. TrishFromMich says:

    Liz, it was only a matter of time…..looking forward to reading your thoughts by aspies, for aspies, and about aspies.

  4. Bridget Sarubin says:

    I’m so glad you are doing this – just what I’ve been searching for and from a a wise and cool mama like you!
    Looking forward to reading, learning and maybe babbling on a bit myself. My sincerest wishes for a big success!
    friendly wishes!
    Bridget in NJ (mama with AS) w/2 funny, brilliant little boys (6 1/2 gifted w/AS and 3 1/2 NT charmer)

  5. mrs. buzz says:

    Just wanted to wish you luck with your blog. Know you will have lots of good stuff to share. :)
    mrs. buzz

  6. [...] The busiest day of the year was March 26th with 106 views. The most popular post that day was Hello!. [...]

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