As you might know if you’ve read my plug (low in the right sidebar), I earn a tiny bit of money designing t-shirts and other items for sale through print on demand companies (Zazzle, Printfection). I’m not good enough at marketing to make much money, though I enjoy the designing.

I have no designs promoting Aspergers, and I should. But I’d like your help.

Can anyone suggest some words or images that an Aspie would feel comfortable wearing that would promote a healthy awareness of the spectrum community? One design I plan to make has the words “I speak for myself”, nothing else.

Please tell me about your ideas in the comments below. If I use your design, you will receive credit for it, and can buy items with your design at cost.

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Theobromine Laptop Case

Theobromine Laptop Case

Most of my products can be customized ... change the text, or font, or colors. Visit Product Page ...
Milliways Pin Button

Milliways Pin Button

For fans of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams ... authentic souvenir merchandise from Milliways, the restaurant at the end of the universe. Visit Product Page ...
Hexidecimal Rainbow iTouch Case

Hexidecimal Rainbow iTouch Case

I love the graphic quality of this ... a rainbow with each color written in its hex code. Other products use the same raw image, rotated and scaled in different ways. Visit Product Page ...