I haven’t updated the blog recently, for reasons that actually tie into my family life.

My daughter, who I call “Ocelot” online, is 14. My readers with teenaged girls understand how difficult this age is. Ocelot is filled with stress, anger and a bit of depression. I’m getting some of it, but most of her anger is reserved for her Dad.

It doesn’t help that he has AS, and is at a loss as to how to relate to her in a way that (he feels) preserves his dignity and authority but does not send Ocelot into fits of rage.

I’m starting to research teenage girls with Aspergers/PDD-NOS, and haven’t found much yet. If any of you can point me to some useful info, on paper or online, I would be grateful — and I’ll summarize my findings here.

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  1. [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Parenting_Help. Parenting_Help said: Looking for Help: Parenting the Spectrum Teen « The Aspie Parent http://bit.ly/94ChNd [...]

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