I am not a fan of labels, for many reasons.

Holding too close to a precise label can hurt our kids. Too many school districts will only provide services for students with conditions listed in the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders or, as a friend calls it “The Big Book of Crazy”). If a student has a learning problem that isn’t in The Book, no services for you.

NLD is not listed in the book … so some schools, which may have wonderful programs for Asperger’s, refuse to help kids with NLD.

[Please note that this practice is illegal ... it's not whether a child has a recognized problem that will qualify her for help, but whether she has trouble learning in a regular classroom without support.]

So in this case, a precise label is worse than useless.

What can you do if your school is like this, and your child is affected? I hate to say it, but you and your diagnosing profession should lie. If you (all) know your child will need Spectrum accommodations, have the pro write a “diagnosis” of Asperger’s or HFA. This will get your kid the help s/he needs. And school records are destroyed upon graduation, and are not released outside the school, so the misdiagnosis won’t haunt your child in later life.

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