I only recently found out about Dan, though he’s been active in the Spectrum world for quite some time.

Dan is a video producer, and has been making videos to help Aspies negotiate the world ever since his son was diagnosed. Just recently, Dan realized he is Aspie too … a very common occurence.

In addition to videos, Dan’s website has an extensive articles library, most written by Dan himself. I ahven’t read all of the articles, but those  have read are quite good. Here’s an excerpt from his latest article:

Ever since I was diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome last year, I’ve had flashes of understanding about my childhood. I was a confident kid in many ways, but I also remembering worrying about things. As Mother’s Day approaches, I particularly remember how understanding and encouraging my mom always was.

I appreciate this even more now because I see how easy it can be to dismiss the fears and concerns of a child with Asperger Syndrome. Especially when those fears don’t seem reasonable. But realizing that your child’s mind works differently — and that his fears are real and rational to him — can be one of the keys to helping him conquer his anxiety.

Asperger Syndrome and Moms: Teaching Step By Step

He also has a web page on writing grant proposals for autism awareness and anti-bullying programs. This looks lie another great resource for parents who are trying to make school a better place for their spectrum kids.

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