So, the “corporate” website is up and running, though it will need some cleaning up and feeding … it is a baby after all.

I then turned to working on my Knit Suite launch page. If you don’t know, a launch page is the page that promotes a product that does not yet exist; a “Coming Soon!” page. [Go look at the link, it opens in a new tab/window.] In this case, the launch page tells you about the first three apps in the suite, the ones almost ready for sale. You can see screen shots, and sign up for the Announcements mailing list, so you’ll find out as soon as the apps are available to purchase.

The page is up, and I think it looks quite nice. I’ve let my friends on Facebook know, and posted about it on Ravelry and Twitter. I need to spread the word, and that means Google. But when I search on Google …

… nothing.

Well, I see the image of the app icon. But no link to the page.

Google usually takes a few days to find new pages to list. It’s been a few days though, so where’s my web page??

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