My kids love making things almost as much as I do.

My teenage daughter makes chain mail jewelry. She does beautiful work, and has sold quite a bit of work locally. She’s planning to create an Etsy shop (note to self: use this to teach her business skills, marketing and accounting), and just gave her first private lesson to a paying customer.

My pre-teen son has been learning to knit for a few months, but loses interest quickly. However, he was fooling around with finger knitting a few weeks ago, and I remembered I have a ball of very, very thick baby blue yarn that would be perfect for finger knitting. So he’s been finger knitting up a storm, and last night, finished what may be the longest finger knitted snake on record. It’s over 15 feet long, closer to 20. (note to self: measure it!)

We’ve also all been learning to spin, and I have a couple of woodworking projects for which I need helpers. Fun!

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Milliways Pin Button

Milliways Pin Button

For fans of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams ... authentic souvenir merchandise from Milliways, the restaurant at the end of the universe. Visit Product Page ...
Theobromine Laptop Case

Theobromine Laptop Case

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Evan's Pi Keychain

Evan's Pi Keychain

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