Well, it’s only 5, so far.

Squidoo is a website where one can post short articles, called lenses. People do this for different reasons. I’m posting there to help spread information about Polymath Solution’s business niches, and also to talk about useful things that may not fit here.


Right now, I’m writing a series of lenses that are reviews of books in the Polymath Solution Knitting Library. These reviews are longer, and the pages have links where you can buy all books by a given author, take polls, etc.

There is a master list of the reviews at Knitting Book Reviews, with links to every published review to date, or you can explore some of the reviews directly:

Knitting from the Top

Principles of Knitting


Finally, in order to get my blog listed at Technorati, I’m including the following code: TQNG6SHNNKHJ   Please ignore, unless you are Technorati.

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Hexidecimal Rainbow iTouch Case

Hexidecimal Rainbow iTouch Case

I love the graphic quality of this ... a rainbow with each color written in its hex code. Other products use the same raw image, rotated and scaled in different ways. Visit Product Page ...
Milliways Pin Button

Milliways Pin Button

For fans of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams ... authentic souvenir merchandise from Milliways, the restaurant at the end of the universe. Visit Product Page ...
Charles Darwin Hoodie

Charles Darwin Hoodie

One of my more popular images, a portrait of Charles Darwin on a hoodie sweatshirt. Visit Product Page ...