Polymath Solution (aka Liz) is going to be offering web development services, in addition to the many other things I do.

This isn’t such a huge departure as it seems. Web development, at least in a one-person shop, is a combination of coding skills, graphic design, and helping clients translate their thoughts into ideas the developer can work with. My Knit Suite apps were written in html and css, the language of the web; I’ve been working as a graphic designer for almost 5 years in my Cartesian Bear project, and I have this odd ability to translate geek-speak into ordinary English.

My ideal client is the individual or small business owner who knows they need a web presence but doesn’t need or want a lot of flash or glitz (or Flash, either). They want a simple site that showcases their work and attracts clients/customers. My clients want to work with someone like them, not a youngster who grew up surrounded by computers and can’t talk to people who don’t know the difference (or care about) between Java and Javascript.

I grew up in the 1960s and 1970s. My first computer experience involved punch cards in college. I have worked at desks without monitors on them. After I began to use computers at work (a PC XT and later, a Mac SE/30), I found one of the most enjoyable parts of my day was helping the secretaries and admin assistants learn to use their computers. I bring my knowledge, history and attitude to my web design work.

Since I live in the Metrowest area of Boston, I expect most of my client base will be local. However, I’m wiling to work with clients anywhere, through e-mail or Skype.

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Theobromine Laptop Case

Theobromine Laptop Case

Most of my products can be customized ... change the text, or font, or colors. Visit Product Page ...
Charles Darwin Hoodie

Charles Darwin Hoodie

One of my more popular images, a portrait of Charles Darwin on a hoodie sweatshirt. Visit Product Page ...
Hexidecimal Rainbow iTouch Case

Hexidecimal Rainbow iTouch Case

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