New Readers: This is part of a continuing series where I talk about one of the lenses (articles) I wrote for Squidoo.
If you knit, you know what happens at the holidays: somebody gives you a knitting-related present that falls a bit flat. You know, the book of “big needle patterns for dogs” (you don’t have a dog, and large needles hurt your hands), or 2 balls of a beautiful sweater yarn that is discontinued.
This year, you might send a link to your loved ones to my Gifts for Knitters lens.
I talk about gifts in all price ranges, from stocking stuffers to luxury items. Anyone want a set of interchangeable needles in ebony or rosewood? Or a purple luxury knitting bag?
I also talk about gifts that knitters don’t mind getting in duplicate. We can all find a use for another needle gauge or tape measure, or some stitch markers.
I have pointers to my other knitting lenses for book ideas, and I include a section on how to buy yarn for a knitter (gift card).
And all gift suggestions have links to places you can purchase the items … perfect for the person who hates to shop.
This lens is part of the 2011 Tier One Challenge. Tier One is what Squidoo calls their most popular lenses, the challenge is for me to get one of my lenses into tier one. It’s fun, and I’m learning a lot about SEO and internet promotion.