In the past week or so, I wrote and published four new Squidoo lenses. Writing for Squidoo is addictive … I get an idea and feel compelled to write about it. The ideas are slowing down a little, which means I have time to record them so I’ll remember them.

Seven Hot Scientists

Several years ago, I started a line of graphic designs featuring scientists and inventors. In order to showcase these people, I wrote this lens. It features capsule biographies of each scientist, books for kids and adults, a selection of my portrait merchandise, and one showcase item for each. As usual there are interactive elements and a comment area.


Larry Shaw, inventor of Pi Day

Larry Shaw, inventor of Pi Day

Pi Day

I love Pi Day. It’s the only official holiday that honors a number, and math. In this lens I discuss the history of Pi Day, and some fun ways to celebrate, including throwing hot dogs (seriously!).





Addi Circular NeedleAddi Knitting Needles

I’ll be honest and say this is purely a sales lens, designed to make it easy for people to find and purchase Addi knitting needles. Addis are some of the best needles available, and I go over which type will work best for any project, and what sizes are available in which styles. If you knit, this lens is an excellent reference, even if you don’t buy from it (though I hope you do).


Perle Cotton on conesPerle Cotton for Knitters

Yes, I’ve become the Knitting Lady at Squidoo. This lens is almost all information, about the many ways a knitter can use perle cotton to substitute for other knitting tools. Click on over and take a look.

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Hexidecimal Rainbow iTouch Case

Hexidecimal Rainbow iTouch Case

I love the graphic quality of this ... a rainbow with each color written in its hex code. Other products use the same raw image, rotated and scaled in different ways. Visit Product Page ...
Ammonite Mug

Ammonite Mug

I found some great Victorian-era biological prints that I cleaned up and placed on different products. I wasn't sure to put them in Beasts or Steampunk. Visit Product Page ...
Milliways Pin Button

Milliways Pin Button

For fans of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams ... authentic souvenir merchandise from Milliways, the restaurant at the end of the universe. Visit Product Page ...