Today’s lens is a reference page for adults with Aspergers, and those who live with or work with them. I start with some basic info for those who know very little about AS, then have some books in three categories: general AS books, books about adults with Aspergers, and books specifically dealing with romantic relationships where one partner is Aspie. I may add another section on books specific to women with Aspergers.
I then follow with link lists, one for reference and organization sites, another for blogs. Finally, I show some nice shirts from Zazzle — not insulting or snarky, and certainly not of the “cure” variety, but images that even a shy Aspie would be willing to wear.
Interspersed are some AS myths and the real answers.
My goal is to make this lens a go-to place for Aspies and their NT associates to get solid info on Aspergers in adults. To that effect, please let me know if there are other resources I should add.
Another Squidoo lens built and published … for people who love to write, these are like candy. If you write, give it a try.
Happy New Year, everyone!