
Today’s lens is a reference page for adults with Aspergers, and those who live with or work with them. I start with some basic info for those who know very little about AS, then have some books in three categories: general AS books, books about adults with Aspergers, and books specifically dealing with romantic relationships where one partner is Aspie. I may add another section on books specific to women with Aspergers.

I then follow with link lists, one for reference and organization sites, another for blogs. Finally, I show some nice shirts from Zazzle — not insulting or snarky, and certainly not of the “cure” variety, but images that even a shy Aspie would be willing to wear.

Interspersed are some AS myths and the real answers.

My goal is to make this lens a go-to place for Aspies and their NT associates to get solid info on Aspergers in adults. To that effect, please let me know if there are other resources I should add.


Another Squidoo lens built and published … for people who love to write, these are like candy. If you write, give it a try.

Happy New Year, everyone!

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Milliways Pin Button

Milliways Pin Button

For fans of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams ... authentic souvenir merchandise from Milliways, the restaurant at the end of the universe. Visit Product Page ...
Evan's Pi Keychain

Evan's Pi Keychain

My most popular image ever ... usually on stickers or other small items, but I have sold two pairs of Pi shoes! Somewhere, a math teacher is smiling. Visit Product Page ...
Hexidecimal Rainbow iTouch Case

Hexidecimal Rainbow iTouch Case

I love the graphic quality of this ... a rainbow with each color written in its hex code. Other products use the same raw image, rotated and scaled in different ways. Visit Product Page ...