This pitcher featuring "Needle Addiction", my latest design, would be perfect for storing straight needles

Lots of people ask me where I get my ideas. With this image, I can tell you exactly where the idea came from.

My friend Shelly posted on Facebook:

I want to design a T-shirt that says, “My needle addiction led me to hooking” with knitting needles and a crochet hook on it. My 17 year old son asks me, “Where would you even WEAR something like that?” I answer, “EVERYWHERE!”

 As a graphic designer who knits, how could I resist this? My brain was busy thinking up visuals, and by the time I had taken my daughter to her evening activity and drove back home, the idea had gelled: a knitting prostitute, leaning up against a crochet hook lamp post.
2 hours later, I had the basic image built. Another 2 hours the next morning, and it was finished. I sent a copy to Shelly, and she loved it.
I use Zazzle for printing … they have a huge variety of merchandise, good quality, and handle payment and fulfillment. This image went into my new Knit Suite shop, for knitting-related designs.
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