After a discussion with a friend where she told me I should be teaching knitting, I began to think about what I could do.

While I can teach, and have done so, I can help people with a lot more. I can:

  • rewrite knitting patterns to be easier to understand
  • re-design patterns for fit, or to change style elements
  • design new patterns from scratch
  • help knitters shop for yarn
  • be the “expert” at a knitting party
  • rescue hopeless projects
  • speak about knitting at conferences

Because this is so much more than just teaching, I’m calling myself a Knitting Consultant.  I’m looking forward to this work. I love knitting, and also love helping people master a skill, and this combines both.

Since a lot of this does not need to be hands on work, I’m offering to help you via Skype or other online methods. E-mail me if you are interested.

Another knitting project I’m really excited about is a series of online seminars I’m planning. For a small charge, we can have an online class where we cover one topic in knitting. Unlike streaming video or YouTube, this would be interactive — you could ask me questions during the seminar and I’ll answer them live.

I’ve set up an e-mail newsletter, where I’ll post info about any classes I’ll be teaching, my online seminar schedule, and maybe a few knitting tips. Click here to subscribe.

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