I love Freecycle.

I’ve mentioned Freecycle before, the world-wide network of e-mail lists intended to cut waste by letting people give away still useful things. I’ve been the owner of my town’s Freecycle group for … wow! 8 years this June.

I was at Arisia (science fiction con) over MLK weekend, and while combing my e-mail for important messages, I saw a Freecycle Offer of 50 Knitting Magazines. Good stuff, from 2000 to 2011. I replied, thinking the magazines would be snapped up already.

They weren’t! I almost missed the “When can you get them?” message, but I didn’t, and got them on my next trip into town. I now have 2 magazine boxes of Knitters, one of Interweave Knits, 3 or 4 Vogue Knitting, 2 Vogue Patterns (sewing), and a Mon Tricot from the 1970s.

A great score for a knitting expert!

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