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Once again, Zazzle has released a new batch of products for people to put images on. This time, it’s skins for your electronics products.

I was not familiar with the term “skins”, you might not be, either. A skin is a heavy plastic removable sticker, custom shaped to fit smoothly on your gadget, covering it with the image of your choice. As an example, below is a skin for a cell phone:


There are skins available for many makes and models of:

  • cell phones, including iPhones
  • tablets and eBook readers, including the iPad
  • laptops and netbooks
  • game controllers
  • music players, including iPods
  • headphones
  • video cameras
  • hard drives

You can see the variety here.

Because there are so many different skins, all different shapes and sizes, it’s going to take me a long time to get my images put on them. But if you want a skin with an image from my shop, I’ll make it up right away. Just let me know.

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