
Well, my book is.

Several years ago, I learned the craft of making chain mail and started teaching at a local science fiction con. The classes were, and still are a huge success.

Byzantine WeaveThis ebook is an expansion of the pamphlet and instruction sheets I created for the classes. The illustrations are quite good (I’m a bit surprised I could make them look so nice), and I’ve been told the writing is clear as well.

Last fall, I published the book through Smashwords, an online publishing house that sells the book in many formats. It’s done modestly well, and I kept thinking about putting the book up at [Amazon does not work with Smashwords, though the other major online retailers do. The 900 pound gorilla effect strikes again.] But everything I read indicated that preparing an ebook for Amazon was difficult and complicated, involving opening the files and hand coding in html. I can do this, but it takes time.

I thought … why not try something? I took my Smashwords file, uploaded it as-is to Amazon — and it worked! I did have to adjust the formatting, but all the work was done in my word processor.

Yesterday I published the book at Amazon, and today, anyone can see and download the book.

Please take a look, and if you are looking for a new craft for the summer … consider chain mail!

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