Shaggy Loops Chain Mail Weave
Shaggy Loops Chain Mail Weave

Shaggy Loops Chain Mail Weave

Learn Chain Mail During Spring Break

I’ve been teaching chain mail at Voyagers, a local home school co-op since September. It’s been lots of fun, though the classes are for Voyagers members only. I’m always amazed at the beautiful items my students make.

During April break, I’ll be teaching a 5 day chain mail class at H3XL, a mostly for kids maker space in Burlington, MA. This class will be lots of fun, and we’ll learn many different patterns, and make some cool things. The class is open to ages 12 and up, and adults are definitely welcome!

To register, visit the H3XL website or the class description page.

Book Update

In other chain mail news, I’m finishing the formatting for my upcoming paper version of Introduction to Chain Mail. This book will be a major expansion of my ebook, and  provides all the information a beginner will need to know to make both jewelry and garments/armor.

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