Wow … has it really been a full year since my last blog post?

I’m starting a new category/section on my blog called Articles. It will contain various articles I’ve written in the past, mostly for Squidoo.

The Squidoo Squid

Bye, bye Squid … I will miss you

Squidoo was an excellent place to post articles (which they call lenses) about virtually anything. Many people used Squidoo was a selling platform, either to promote their own products or to gain affiliate income by promoting other products. I wrote a few lenses like that, such as my “Gifts for Knitters” lens, but I would always include plenty of info that was not thinly veiled advertising copy.

In the last year, Squidoo has radically changed their focus. They now reject articles for a number of reasons, some very random. They even put a flag on popular lenses that were approved years ago. Traffic to Squidoo in general has fallen, and the most popular lenses get almost no traffic.

So, I’m going to take the lenses that Squidoo rejected and move them to my blog. The articles will be on a variety of subjects, grouped in the Articles section. Most will have affiliate links to Amazon &/or Zazzle. [I make a small amount of income if you buy something through a link.] As I re-create the articles here, I’ll be deleting them at Squidoo.

I hope you enjoy seeing this new side of my writing!

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"The Sun is a Mass..." Grocery Bag

"The Sun is a Mass..." Grocery Bag

Written by Mike Glaser, made famous by They Might Be Giants. Image from NASA, of course. My son was floored when he found out his best friend's uncle was in TMBG ... and the friend's mom was floored when she heard that we knew of the band! Visit Product Page ...
Milliways Pin Button

Milliways Pin Button

For fans of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams ... authentic souvenir merchandise from Milliways, the restaurant at the end of the universe. Visit Product Page ...
Evan's Pi Keychain

Evan's Pi Keychain

My most popular image ever ... usually on stickers or other small items, but I have sold two pairs of Pi shoes! Somewhere, a math teacher is smiling. Visit Product Page ...