My kids love making things almost as much as I do.

My teenage daughter makes chain mail jewelry. She does beautiful work, and has sold quite a bit of work locally. She’s planning to create an Etsy shop (note to self: use this to teach her business skills, marketing and accounting), and just gave her first private lesson to a paying customer.

My pre-teen son has been learning to knit for a few months, but loses interest quickly. However, he was fooling around with finger knitting a few weeks ago, and I remembered I have a ball of very, very thick baby blue yarn that would be perfect for finger knitting. So he’s been finger knitting up a storm, and last night, finished what may be the longest finger knitted snake on record. It’s over 15 feet long, closer to 20. (note to self: measure it!)

We’ve also all been learning to spin, and I have a couple of woodworking projects for which I need helpers. Fun!

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Therbligs Binder

Therbligs Binder

Therbligs have their own story ... see here. I made this design years ago, to keep Frank Gilbreth's concept alive. Visit Product Page ...
Charles Darwin Hoodie

Charles Darwin Hoodie

One of my more popular images, a portrait of Charles Darwin on a hoodie sweatshirt. Visit Product Page ...
Evan's Pi Keychain

Evan's Pi Keychain

My most popular image ever ... usually on stickers or other small items, but I have sold two pairs of Pi shoes! Somewhere, a math teacher is smiling. Visit Product Page ...